What to Bring
Xela to Lago Atitlán
This list is for personal gear. We provide all tents, stoves, cooking/eating utensils, food, bathroom gear, and first aid supplies, as well as a sleeping bag and sleeping pad if you need one (notify us in advance). Please keep in mind that you will be carrying everything you bring with you (plus added group gear) on your back. Think light! Bring what you need, leave what you don't. If you're traveling with extra gear that you won't need for your trek, we can always hold onto it for free until you get back or drop it at your final destination for an added fee.
Backpack (space for all your stuff plus group gear, approx 60 liters)
Sleeping bag (25 degree Fahrenheit rating or warmer)
Sleeping pad
Water bottle (1 liter minimum)
Hiking boots
Change of shoes (something comfortable like sandals, crocs, lightweight tennis shoes, etc)
Hiking clothes (lightweight and breathable)
Warm layers
Raincoat (May-Nov)
Swimsuit and quick-dry towel
Headlamp/flashlight (with new batteries)
Personal hygiene items and medications
Sunscreen and bug spray